Supplier management

We only source from our certified suppliers and are verified by end-to-end supplier quality certification standards. We review and frequently re-evaluate and qualify suppliers to ensure that all products we provide to you are sourced from reliable sources, and we track quality history, performance and service fulfillment, as well as inventory supply and order history information.

Inspection and testing

Our qualified inspectors perform detailed visual inspections and tests of the products supplied to you at standards higher than the industry IDEA-STD-1010-B.

Quality Control

Quality Assurance

ICMILES Technology Limited has established a strict and scientific quality management system, to control the quality comprehensively with advanced methods in world. We have set up a quality management team, which is responsible for the establishment, standardization and improvement of the quality system, and guides and supervises the quality management of each department.

ICMILES Technology Limited implements the ISO9001:2015 management system standard and pursues to build up a quality management system with “zero defect”. We have established a comprehensive quality management system, which covers supply chain management, supervision of single transaction, supplier rating system and quality inspection process.

Quality Control System:

1), Supplier Management;

2), Quality Control Procedurces

3), Warehose/Packaging/Transportation standard

4), Quality Control Management;

5), Data Control Management;

6), RMA Procedures

Supplier Management

ICMILES has built up a comprehensive supplier evaluation and classification systems, with which every supplier is strictly audited and controlled. Every six months, every supplier will be re-evaluating and re-grade according to its global performance.

Supplier rating system

Original Manufacturer, Category Distributor, Franchised Distributor

OEM, ODM, EMS factories (forwarder)

Qualified suppliers with third-party certification, such as ERAI, IDEA, ISO etc. ; Other qualified suppliers

Disqualified suppliers


Quality Control System

1), Quality Assurance

2), Supplier Management→

3), Quality Control Procedures→

4), Warehouse/Packaging/Transportation standard→

5), Data Control Management→


Quality Control Procedures

Warehouse/Packaging/Transportation standard

Data Control Management